Cheap Style Tips & Savings

Renegade Decorating

Y'all, sometimes you have to do this:


No, that's not a new 'Gone With the Wind Fabulous' drama-swagged shower curtain in my's vintage fabric that biotch just hand washed in a bucket! Uh huh! #washedinabucket!!!!

Once it's drip dried, it'll be made into some fab curtains for a new office commission I'm working on...check it:


Yep, y'all, when I carry on about being a hands-on decorator, who's all cost conscious and shiot for my clients...this is what I'm talking about!!! Ummm, k, hunty?!?

If you only have 5 minutes per phone call...

A pic of a sign inside vintage phone booth, 'Limit Calls to 5 Minutes' Then biotch, better make it count by taking your call in one of these babies:

An AFTER shot of two vintage phone booths painted out in red and blue

YES! Gorg, right? These booths are just BEYOND sassy, with their new paint jobs...and look at the floors too:

A close up of linoleum floor of phone booth

Another detail shot of interior phone booth linoleum floor

These are painted in the company's logo colors using Benjamin Moore's Impervex latex enamel paint. It's water based, so the dry time is substantially less than oil based enamels, but it still took me about 4 days to WERK these two ladies out! Red being the absolute biotch of a color that she is to paint with, and b/c every surface in both of these booths was some kind of weird laminate-y horrid glossy surface, I had to use a primer. I used Benjamin Moore's Stix Waterborne Bonding Primer, which sounds like some sort of torture method. It too is water-based, so it was really easy to use and dried really quickly. Here's what that step looked like:

A pic of the primed interior of one of the phone booths

A close up of the primed interior of phone booth

A ceiling shot of the interior of primed phone booth

I hit both booths with two coats of primer. Then painted both out with at least two coats of paint each. The red lady was all kinds of finicky, as pointed out earlier, so of course she ended up getting like 4 coats. Honestly, I could of done even more, but she wasn't the only thing on the agenda for this office makeover, the selfish skank! The linoleum floors got some love by being scrubbed and then reconditioned with a generous coating of boiled linseed oil, which is just God's gift...that stuff works on ALL KINDS OF SURFACES...AMAZE!

A pic of the red paint job for the phone booth

A pic of the painted phone booths with doors closed

Ring Ring!

This is happening: Pic of vintage phone booth

This baby was scored off Craigslist! She's one of two vintage phone booths-- thanks New Jersey!!!-- that are being primarily repurposed as privacy booths in a new open loft office design project i'm doing! I mean, it's like CAKE, right?

A pic of vintage phone booth with door open

I'm painting the interiors, gasp phone-booth-o-philes and eventually we're going to retrofit the light and even wire them with the company's phones! For now, employee peeps will just use their cellphones to make those delicate, to their drug dealers! AMAZE! Stay tuned for more process shots of wonder! And happy FRIDAY!!!

Free, Fabulous & Friday!

20130503-115945.jpg Y'all do see the glory that is leaning up against this building, beckoning you to snatch her up and hang her on your wall? Damn-- now that's some fabulous free glamour right there, y'all! In case you can't tell what you're looking at-- no it's not a mirage-- that's a sputnik, mirrored wall unit/curio shelf, on its' side...YES-- the things I could display in THAT!!!

Here's another shot with flash:


Somebody better scoop that HAWT mama up!!! Happy Friday!

Thrift Whore Thursday

Y'all, the Brooklyn Heights Housing Works WERKED me over recently when I stopped in for a Thrift Whore session. Look at all this sensual candy: A pic of an ornate, Rococo style sofa at Housing Works

Imagine that gumdrop reupholstered in some fab fabric, like a graphic plaid or geometric, then the wood trim all turned out bright white, or in an accent color lifted right out of your fabric? Dripping gorgeousness!

If y'all haven't saddled up for a ride atop the brass train yet, go ahead and spread, 'cause it's BACK in full effect-- as far as home decor goes! And not the chintzy, cheap variety...I'm talking about 100% real deal brassness...lucky for us whores, I see it ALL THE TIME at thrift stores, like these babies:

A pic of brass pinch bowls and shot glasses at thrift store

Those little bits and bots of brass are perf for those of you out there who aren't convinced that this home decor moment is really upon us...they're small, really inexpensive and will pizazz-ify y'all's shelves, mantles or coffee/end tables. Go brass or bust!

These busts kinda stopped me mid-skip in the store...I'm intrigued, slightly creeped out-- in a good way-- so naturally they worth sharing:

A pic of wooden statues in thrift store

I would probably rock those out by painting them all white or the same color, like hot pink-- gasp wood-o-philes & art snobs-- it would totally modernize and take the hibee geebs out of 'em, right?

These lil guys just winked at me and are giving us full-on toe play...yummy:

A pic of black leather boots at thrift store

I don't often bother with fashion while whoring...but c'mon, black COWBOY boots??? Y'all know you want them-- in your MOUTH!

Aren't these ladies just like Precious Moments statues?

A pic of one armchair at thrift store

A pic of the other armchair at thrift store

They just need to be good and worked over, like most of us thrift whores! Lose those skirts and swaddle them in new amazing fabrics, ahhhh, they'll be LIVING in yo house!!! Their curvy silhouettes are giving us ALL BODY, ALL THE TIME!

This one here, style slapped me full on when I rounded the corner!:

A pic of a side table with stone base and glass top

But y'all know it's the kind of sting we thoroughly enjoy-- and SEEK OUT! More curves, round and stone-- YES! I always encourage my clients to go for the round (or oval) when selecting end tables, coffee tables, even dining tables...learned this trick from Tae...hey Tae...round is obvi feminine, it helps to break up all the masculine lines that most spaces are full of and it's easier to navigate around...keeps the energy flowing in a space.

But then again, so does this bamboo beaut:

A pic of a bamboo rocking chair at thrift store

What would she do to y'all's lives if she were painted an awesome parrot-green? You'd constantly be RIDING HER-- that's what!

And make no mistake about the one she's currently riding...

A pic of a wooden dresser at thrift store

Y'all can't go wrong with these types of dressers...they're unbridled work whores! Great for storage, great as entryway tables, buffet & consoles, changing tables...sometimes y'all will need to retro-fit them for your specific needs, and of course, a can of paint in a cool color and some new knob or pull action will absolutely transform this piece-- and ultimately, YOUR LIFE!

And that's really the whole point of being a thrift whore, no? Happy Whoring!

Thrift Whore Confessions

Y'all I stumbled upon some major thrift treasures at a Salvation Army while out whoring the other day...check this shiot:


That's full-on marble atop that sassy round side table! Then I saw the price and was style-slain:


YES, biotch, you're not seeing cost $39.99 value damn dollars!!!

And just what do I spy here, but some kinda cheesy-yet-chic Americana cookie jar?:


And not to be outdone on the cheese-o-meter, this statue presented himself for consideration:


Well, shut the FU$& y'all, how to choose? Don't...and buy them BOTH, they're so cheap! Scandal! The cookie jar I'd leave 'as-is', but statue face I'd repaint...maybe even in matte white? Or a fun & unexpected poppy color? He'd be soooo cute on a salon-style gallery wall amongst the right mix of art...speaking of, somebody shat out all kinds of tremendous 80's GIANT-ass paintings at this store, that had me choking:




Oh, but WAIT, there's more!:


These yarn art lovelies gave me shivers:




Absolutely style-slapped! This was fun too:


What a rush, y'all!!! Happy whoring AND happy Valentines Day-- hope it's filled with all kinds of hotness?!?!

Apartment Shoot

Y'all, I shot bits of our apartment back in April 2011 with the uber-talented, Bob Martus: A pic of two green striped mid century lounge chairs in PJ Mehaffey's apt shot by Bob Martus

Catch the rest of those shots in my portfolio section...anyway, We always knew we weren't finished with the shoot-- we just didn't realize it would take damn near two years to make it happen!?! Well, here we are, getting back in the photo groove and finishin' what we started:

A shot of a computer screen displaying new interior apt pics of PJ Mehaffey shot by Bob Martus

No, I'm not moving, y'all...

A pic of PJ Mehaffey's messed up living room during a photo shoot by Bob Martus

This is what goes down when you get a photographer and a prop stylist all up in yo grill-- in yo face with jumblin' up yo shiot like you was movin' but all your really doin' is takin' a picture of yo house! That's called GLAMOUR and consider yo-selves, schooled!!!

An alternate shot of PJ Mehaffey's apartment being shot by Bob Martus

And here in NYC, we grab power WHEREVER we can scrounge it up...this one kitchen outlet is powering a photo shoot AND tonight's dinner, simmering in the slow cooker! YES! Y'all know I'm all about double-value in my house!

A pic of Bob Martus' photo equipment raging in PJ Mehaffey's kitchen

Even my poor dog was all wide-eyed and feelin' bamboozled, wandering from one mess to the next:

A dark shot of Brandon in the Salon, surveying the stylin damage

Cant' wait to share the fab pics soon!!! Patrician Court realness can't be denied! XXOOOO!

Free Shiot Friday in full effect!

Oh she's a cold one out there today, y'all...but you know some Free Shiot Friday will warm y'all good-n-toasty like nothing else! Like this gal here, who's sitting all pretty: A pic of a FREE white armoire on NYC street

Hanging hardware still intact and looking operational (someone must've just smashed this poor girls door in a fashion frenzy one morning and here she is, out on the street...the shade!):

A close up of interior door mount of free white armoire off NYC street

LOVE the fun yellow and white stripe party happening in the back of the interior of armoire...'cause y'all know the front is all business and shiot:

A tight shot of the interior of free white armoire off NYC street

What's great too is that back can be changed to fit whatever party you got going on, if you're not vibing yellow and white mountain alps Ricola-realness! Paint it out, add a different patterned paper, or fun fabric...I mean, just let loose like you never knew you could on the back of an armoire, people!!!! YESSSS! Free Shiot Friday is about freedom and the USA!

Here's another shot that details the clothing bar...

Another tight shot of interior of free white armoire off NYC street

Or boombox, or bar or World Britannica Collection or...Happy Friday y'all! Go out and get some Free Shiot!

Well, shiot y''s Free Friday up in here!

And don't y'all know a whole damn week has gone by since my last post and I've been too slung up...what the...? Well, feast on this gorg that was just left out on the street:

A pic of a vintage Goodform office chair

She comes with extra baggage, but that's easily done away with...and the wheels are divine:

A front side pic of vintage Goodform office chair

This is probably a Goodform and she'd need some TLC, probably a reupholster rehab, but overall, she's tres chic and would look incredible paired with some french frilly writing desk or even a simple parson's style desk:

An alternate side pic of vintage Goodform desk chair

Happy Friday, y'all!!!

Free Shiot Friday

Y'all, some FREE Shiot you don't want-- like this raging flu that had it's way with me (and the rest of the planet it seems?!) for several's been next to impossible to get my dazzle on around here! But then this little lady saddled up to the curb, all woody and cute-like and brought me right back on the road to my former sassy self: A pic of a wooden side table left out on the curb

Y'all, clearly someone has just emptied their entire bedroom on the sidewalk here...scary, but then table lady had even more to reveal than just her scalloped decolletage:

A close up shot of the side table with a spinning top

Well, Style Slap-- she SPINS, y'all! Can't say I've ever come across a table with a spinning top! And I can totally see why it would be super-functional albeit slightly unstable, for a dining room table, but this one threw me even more b/c she's a side table, or at least, based on size/scale, that's how I'd use her. But, perhaps she was a potter's wheel/table, or some sort of model making or other art table? Whateve's-- she's unique, in great condition and with some very minor TLC, she'll be livin' it up with Debbie as a side table in her new place...woohoo...I just LOVE it when cool, Free Shiot finds a new, loving home!:

A close up of Debbie Wheatley and Chris White carrying a street find side table

Happy Free Shiot Friday y'all and stay healthy!!!

"The hills are alive...with the sound of thrift whores!"

Y'all there's very few things in life that compare to thrift whoring in the mountains of Tennessee!!! Prepare y'all-selves for this very special Tennessee Mountain Magic edition of Thrift Whore Thursday!!!

A pic of a black world globe in a Tennessee thrift store

A tight shot of a black world globe at a Tennessee thrift store

A tight shot of vintage jadeite syrup and salt and pepper shakers in thrift store

A tight shot of jadeite Grease jar from Tennessee thrift shop

And what to get for the person who has everything? Oh this:

Pic of weird naked ceramic football baby figurine from Tennessee thrift store

Awwww, don't y'all just LOVE the south?? Football figurines...and then this:

How AMAZING is that?!...Just about as amaaaaazing as this:

This place couldn't STOP reminding us of the season at hand...and I for one, couldn't get enough:

Fa la la la la la la..and the gifts kept on coming, y'all...looking for an easy way to decorate your table for that uber-special occasion...try this:

This baby was begging to be brought back to NYC, and trust y'all that we hashed through all the different ways to make it work, but sometimes even I have to play thrift whore hardball...

And damn if we weren't completely torn asunder by Orange-adorbs, this biotch finished the job:

Yellow mid-century molded-plastic file cabinet realness BEYOND! And I know exactly what y'all are gonna be saying when you see how much she costs:

Here's to the happiest and whore-eriest 2013 to all of us!!!

Merry Thriftmas...Whores!

Well, damn, it's been a minute since I've been able to work the streets in search of hot thrift whore action...but y'all are in for some tangy treats today! Pic of a spanish whore bust

Pic of chopin bust

Those busts are just begging for a hit of some poppy colored paint to chic them up bit...I'll take care of that, y'all...don't get up out of your seat now, fact, let me get you something to sip on, while you sit there on yo ass...and I've got just the glass...

Pic of pink juice glass set from thrift store

Pic of three ceramic urns

It's not often that I'm slain with textile offerings when out whoring, but lo and behold, this Salvation Army served me some-- all proper-like...

Pic of a bold floral vintage curtain from thrift store

If I hadn't looked closely at that little lady above, I'd have missed that she was a sweet cafe curtain just waiting to be hung in the window with care...y'all, be sure to always get all up in there in that thrift shiot and dig around-- there's gems lurking this...

Pic of another retro fabric from thrift store of trains

That fabric is choo choo chooing to become some kind of fabulous in a little boys room-- pillows? curtain? work overalls? Make IT!

Pic of a yellow blanket

Y'all, anytime I see a handmade throw, blanket, etc., in a fun color or pattern, I'm style-slapped and scoop it amazing will this bright young thing be lounging on the edge of a sofa...all textured and fringe-y??? And somebody's gran-ma-ma spent mad hours toiling over this shiot and I salute her! But wait, y'all, there's more:

Pic of a plaid wool blanket from thrift store

Pic of red wool throw from thrift store

REAL wool blankets are becoming more and more of a rarity it seems, what with all the fleece and Snuggie's runnin' rampant all over the place, so y'all can never do wrong by scooping 'em up when you see 'em...and as with ANY thrift purchases, make sure you clean your scores...all thorough-like! Happy whoring y'all-- may all your thrifting dreams be fulfilled!!!

The birds have flown the coop in my bathroom...FINALLY!!!

Y'all, it's been since July, but my bathroom pattern repeat paint project is finished...prepare for HOT AFTER ACTION!!!: An after shot of PJ Mehaffey's bathroom paint project

A pic of right side of PJ Mehaffey's bathroom paint project

A detail pic of right side of PJ Mehaffey's bathroom paint project

A detail pic of wall mural in PJ Mehaffey's bathroom

I'm really happy with the way it turned out! I think it's an unexpected play on the scale of the existing print of the shower curtain, which looks like this:

A pic of the bird patterned shower curtain

And because the print is much more like a line drawing, I could get all cra cra and not worry too much about painting something that was a prefect replica of the original. Talk about not coloring in the lines...damn! Here's how I did it, y'all: 1. Start with a shot of your choice and then proceed with cold beers throughout...this helps your inner Picasso hurl forth! 2. Using interior latex paint in black & brown and a couple foam craft brushes, I picked a cage that inspired me and free-handed it onto the wall. If the cage has a brown base (see above pic), I started with that. To achieve a perfectly round circle for the one cage, I traced the lid of a pot. I typed POT. Hee hee... 3. Next I painted the black bars of cages and other black lines. This was the best part of process b/c I really couldn't make a mistake, since the lines in original print are so askew-- and I was beyond trashed at this point...

Here's a shot of my paint 'set-up'...yes, that IS a cat food can...don't hate, biotch! When cleaned out, they make the BEST paint cans for projects...or, go ahead y'all and leave chunks of food in the can to mix with your paint, the remnants will add texture to your paint treatment, resulting in stucco realness that your cat can eat right off the walls!!! YUMMY!

A detail shot of paint set-up for PJ Mehaffey's bathroom paint project

And here's where this all started:

And let's savor one last look, y'all...this shiot was months in the making...

An after shot of PJ Mehaffey's bathroom paint project Meeeeooowww!

'shroom II-- Style Slapped...twice!

Y'all, my second mushroom ottoman has been turned out! Here's the fabric she got done up in: A tight pic of the velvet fabric that PJ Mehaffey used on mushroom ottoman

Velvet wasn't my first choice, in all honesty...I wanted to do this awesome blue cotton canvas, but the company stopped making that particular shade of blue, and I wasn't really loving the upgraded color they were trying to pass off as it's replacement. SO, I came across this velvet in the same shade of blue as my inspiration, which I was intrigued by...but then I noticed all this distressing and it was over! 2.5 yards couldn't get into my bag fast enough...and I think I ended up with the right choice:

A close up  pic of PJ Mehaffey's blue velvet mushroom ottoman

An overhead shot of PJ Mehaffey's blue velvet mushroom ottoman

And now, let these two ladies SERVE IT:

After pic of PJ Mehaffey's two reupholstered mushroom ottomans

BIG shout out to the good folks at Economy Foam and Futon who reupholstered these gals! They did such an amazing job!!! If y'all need ANY upholstery, throw pillows, etc...get yo a$$es to Economy...they're soooo affordable and they do soooo much more than just futons, tell them I sent you!

'shroom gets style-slapped!

Y'all check out my 'shroom ottoman's new outfit: A pic of reupholstered mushroom ottoman

That giant-a$$ shadow was insistent upon getting in on the photo shoot, but thankfully it doesn't distract from all the gorg babygirl is serving us:

Another pic of mushroom shaped ottoman in a new Ikat fabric

An overhead shot of upholstered mushroom ottoman

I LOVE how it turned out...Economy Foam and Futon did such a terrific job (who knew they did upholstery? Y'all DO...that's who!?) It's so scrumptious now, compared to what she was serving us before:

A close up of 2nd mushroom shaped ottoman

For those folks interested in the fabric I used for this ottoman, get y'allselves over to and order some up! It's soooo chic!!! And remember to check back for the BIG REVEAL on the other mushroom ottoman who's getting tricked out in a tangy blue velvet! Yummy double 'shroom love coming y'all's way!!!

Children + White Upholstery= A MUST!

A tight shot of ottoman light colored fabric

Y'all, long gone are the days of being terrified of white upholstery. Especially those of y'all who have little ones. YES!!! I'm working with a client who has two boys, both under the age of 10. We recently got this luscious ottoman for her living room:

A pic of a large light upholstered ottoman for PJ Mehaffey's client

Damn! Are we absolutely cra cra, y'all ask? Well, yes, generally speaking, but before you get all manic panic contemplating how anyone would make such an insane choice for their living room-- AND put that bad boy dead center for all the world to kick back on, get a load of this:

A close up shot of Scotchgard Fabric protectant

To all those parents and others prejudice to white upholstery, may I introduce y'all to your new BFF, Scotchgard for Fabric protector spray.

This fabric protector has actually been around for a while, so this isn't anything new, but I just wanted to share. Also, it seems everyone is gearing up for Holiday parties, so do y'all-selves a favor and get a can of this protector and follow the easy application steps on the can. Whether or not you are in the market for any light colored upholstered pieces or you already own items that currently hide under towels, blankets, etc for fear of them being stained-- this will be the BEST $10 you've spent in a long time. It goes on clear, dries in minutes and does wonders for protecting fabric and upholstered pieces. So, for those of y'all out there who LOVE white/light colored furniture, and have always been too afraid of spills and stains to own any-- ESP folks with children-- go forth my friends and buy with confidence!

An alternate view of light colored ottoman for client

It's ON: MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® Painting Party!

Woo-hoo! It's 12p EST and y'all know what THAT means? It's par-tay paint time! MyColor inspired by Pantone paints

Welcome to the MyColor inspired by Pantone painting party! Let's GET this! To review: there are a group of awesome diy blogger dynamos, including yours truly, who have all done up some projects using My Color inspired by Pantone paint. Expect to be inspired (duh), mesmerized...titillated paint! Uh huh! Y'all could even win stuff! OH! And maybe, just maybe, today's the day y'all are gonna finally have your decorating destinies fulfilled, not only here on Blog-A-Dazzle...oh, no, y''re embarking on a full-on painting treasure hunt, today! YES!

See, after you experience what I've got to share, you'll click on over to Cassie, at Primitive and Proper blog, who will beguile y'all with her paint magic! Here's the complete list in order:

Courtney @ A Thoughtful Place *Go Back to the Beginning!* PJ @ Blog-A-Dazzle *You Are Here!* Cassie @ Primitive and Proper *Continue to this Blog Next!* Holly @ Life in the Fun Lane Angela @ Number Fifty-Three Heather @ Paper Princess Studio

But first, I'm gettin' all kinds of diy dirty up in here with My Color inspired by Pantone Paint, 'cause that's just how I roller-on my parties (pun intended!) Oh shiot!:

I'd been given these three amazing graphic popsicle art prints from the amazing designer & illustrator, Erin Wengrovius, a while ago:

Popsicle art prints BEFORE framing painting project

Y'all can score some of her work right here.

I've always had the best intentions to have them framed in some 'licious way, but y'all know how easy it is to blow out your decorating budget with custom I right? So, when asked to participate in this event, I knew just what I wanted to tackle: frame these lovelies!!! What's that got to do with paint? Well...

When framing, I love to take my color cues for my frame choice right off the artwork that's being framed and then sass up the whole situation even more by surrounding artwork with a thick white mat-- yummy! I also j'adore the idea of contrasting subject matter in the artwork with the frame type, like my modern & poppy art prints, paired with frames that look like this:

BEFORE shots of janky frames

I scored these ornate-y frames for value dollars at thrift stores and flea markets. They're all kinds of janky-- some chips & dings, one was missing glass, but they're giving us all kinds of gilded glam that will contrast perfectly with clean & modern art prints.

Detail corner of janky frame with chip out of it

The real icing on the cake starts oozing when I paint each one of them in a different coordinating color from My Color inspired by Pantone paint! Paired with the white mats, these sweet treats are gonna style-slap y'all with bright bold painted frame realness!!! Paint biotch!

FIRST: With either your artwork or measurements of your artwork in tow, troll area thrift stores, flea markets or other fun places you know that could yield used frame bounty. Each of my three frames were less than $15, so go dig up your own value!

SECOND: Take both your artwork AND your "new" frames to your local art frame shop. Have them cut mats for your artwork to fit into the frames you're providing in the color you choose. I almost always choose white, single mats. Prints Charming in Brooklyn is my go-to spot for these types of projects, they're awesome! (Note: Avoid drama here by calling ahead to your frame place to confirm they'll do this service for you. Most locally owned shops allow you to bring in your own frames, but there are some that prefer you purchase frames from them. By just purchasing mats and having them customized you are saving a small fortune with this step. Another great note: The frame you find doesn't have glass? Most frame shops offer glass for frames for dirt cheap, so GRAB it!)

Popsicle art with mats inside janky frames

THIRD: Prep frames for painting. Remove backing and glass. Clean frames. Once dry, paint frames in desired colors.

Ready to paint!

Depending upon the original color and finish of your frame, expect it to take two to three coats. Allow to dry between coats and before next step. For reference, the colors I used were: Tangerine Tango for the orange creamsicle art, Dandelion for the rainbow popsicle and Blithe for the rocket pop.

Painting the first coat

FOURTH: Reassemble frames by carefully inserting glass, your artwork with new mat and secure in back of frame. Now, go rock yo walls with your new artwork, y'all!!!

So as you can see, my mis-matched ornate-mess frames turned out stunning when style-slapped with bright poppy paint that matches the art within. How hot is that y'all? Tangy!

BUT WAIT, there's more: If y'all want to win a sample of MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® for y'all-selves, just comment on my post (you'll have up to a week from today to do so for y'all lazy a$$ skanks) and share how you’d use MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® in your next project or your life! Feel free to comment on the other blogs in the party too – they’ll all be giving away samples-- oh my, y'all, that's 5 potential samples! For a second chance to win, tweet your project ideas to @MyColorPaints using hashtag #PassItOn. Also check out and like the MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® Facebook page to get access to the schedule for today’s parties as well as the rest of the parties going on this month! Share your project ideas there for one more chance to win!

And don't forget to continue your DIY Painting Party journey with my fellow Par-tay bloggers. Next stop on this party bus is with Cassie at Primitive and Proper. Happy paint party!

Painting Party success!

Dazzle Disclaimer, y'all: MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® reached out to me to participate in the MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® Painting Party. My post represents my honest experience with MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® paint. I am not being paid for my answers, but I did receive MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® paint to use for this project.

Blog-A-Dazzle & MyColor inspired by Pantone Painting Party TOMORROW 10/17, 12p EST!!!

Y'all, I'm thrilled to share that I was asked to participate in a painting party for MyColor inspired by Pantone paint!!! Holla! What in hell does THAT mean, y'all ask??? Well, along with four other awesome diy bloggers, who will be blogging at the same time with cool projects of their own, I'll be completing a special diy project using MyColor inspired by Pantone paint.

In addition to learning all the 411 on my project, y'all will be able to scoot over to the next diy blogger's post in a pre-determined order and get more ideas and inspiration from their projects. The BEST part? Y'all can comment on my post for a chance to win a sample of MyColor inspired by Pantone paint!!! What-What?! FREE PAINT, y'all!!! Get IT! VALUE! Here are the other diy dynamos and the order of the party (they'll be links and more detailed instructions in tomorrow's post, this is a friendly heads-up):

Courtney @ A Thoughtful Place PJ @ Blog-A-Dazzle Cassie @ Primitive and Proper Holly @ Life in the Fun Lane Angela @ Number Fifty-Three Heather @ Paper Princess Studio

Remember, the par-tay starts at 12p EST sharp. So, this means, regardless of where you live, y'all need to do some math and figure out what time 12p EST is for you and then hit up Blog-A-Dazzle to fulfill your painting destinies, ok?!!

Show Me Your Teeth, Thrift Whores!

A pic of the exterior of the Brooklyn Heights Housing Works And that means it's Thursday, y'all! Get ready to do your Thrift Whore dance...5...6...7...8...cue dry ice...and when the smoke clears, look and see what the Brooklyn Heights Housing Works is serving us this week:

A pic of a pony covered settee in Housing Works thrift shop

We've just been style-slapped by this pony covered settee! DAMN! It's so un-p.c., I KNOW, y'all, but the decorating deed has already been done long ago, so somebody better saddle UP and get this in your house...PRONTO!

A tight pic of the sales tag for a vintage pony covered settee in thrift store

Right about now is the point in my Thrift Whoring that I wish all my years of dreaming for some sort of warehouse space was a reality, b/c that settee would be on my back on it's way there...alas, one day...and this too...damn double hot in one place:

Pic of a mid century desk in thrift store

And the hotties just keep jumping off the shelves in the Housing Works...what what!

A pic of a large dining table at thrift shop

A pic of a bronze chandelier in thrift shop

A pic of a clear glass small lamp in thrift shop

A wall planter at the thrift shop

A brass footed dish in thrift shop

A pic of a corn popper in a thrift shop

So chew on that, y'all! And happy whoring!!!

The free things you find on NYC streets!

Not necessarily in the market for silk window treatments, but great to know that if I was, here they a NYC street...for FREE:


Yes, y'all, they're kinda givin' us giant disfigured Twinkie from's a better view:




Pattern isn't horrendous, and with all that gathering, I'm guessing these are some sort of balloon shade...that could be unfortunate, but the silk fabric alone makes these gals worthwhile...


The obvious here is going all 'Gone With The Wind' and making some luscious gown, but you'd do well to get yourselves several throw pillows or even some pole pocket curtain panels that puddle ever so scrumptiously on the floor--- let them eat Silk, y'all! Yummy!
