Apartment Shoot

Y'all, I shot bits of our apartment back in April 2011 with the uber-talented, Bob Martus: A pic of two green striped mid century lounge chairs in PJ Mehaffey's apt shot by Bob Martus

Catch the rest of those shots in my portfolio section...anyway, We always knew we weren't finished with the shoot-- we just didn't realize it would take damn near two years to make it happen!?! Well, here we are, getting back in the photo groove and finishin' what we started:

A shot of a computer screen displaying new interior apt pics of PJ Mehaffey shot by Bob Martus

No, I'm not moving, y'all...

A pic of PJ Mehaffey's messed up living room during a photo shoot by Bob Martus

This is what goes down when you get a photographer and a prop stylist all up in yo grill-- in yo face with jumblin' up yo shiot like you was movin' but all your really doin' is takin' a picture of yo house! That's called GLAMOUR and consider yo-selves, schooled!!!

An alternate shot of PJ Mehaffey's apartment being shot by Bob Martus

And here in NYC, we grab power WHEREVER we can scrounge it up...this one kitchen outlet is powering a photo shoot AND tonight's dinner, simmering in the slow cooker! YES! Y'all know I'm all about double-value in my house!

A pic of Bob Martus' photo equipment raging in PJ Mehaffey's kitchen

Even my poor dog was all wide-eyed and feelin' bamboozled, wandering from one mess to the next:

A dark shot of Brandon in the Salon, surveying the stylin damage

Cant' wait to share the fab pics soon!!! Patrician Court realness can't be denied! XXOOOO!