DIY decorating

Thrift Score Styleslappery!

Thrift Score Styleslappery!

Some thrift store scores that STYLESLAPPED me!

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Granny is going Glam

Granny is going Glam

Make Granny proud, y'all, by splatter painting her china...

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Renegade Decorating

Y'all, sometimes you have to do this:


No, that's not a new 'Gone With the Wind Fabulous' drama-swagged shower curtain in my's vintage fabric that biotch just hand washed in a bucket! Uh huh! #washedinabucket!!!!

Once it's drip dried, it'll be made into some fab curtains for a new office commission I'm working on...check it:


Yep, y'all, when I carry on about being a hands-on decorator, who's all cost conscious and shiot for my clients...this is what I'm talking about!!! Ummm, k, hunty?!?