low budget decorating

The Banal Biotch of Battery Park City

Y'all, this apartment has some SERIOUS issues.

Zero architectural details, heinous parquet flooring, atrocious lighting/sconces and then there is the MUTHFU&CKIN' POPCORN CEILING!!! I MEAN...this banal one-bedroom rental will only set you back a few g's...minimum...this IS Battery Park City, in Manhattan-- huntie. Get correct-ed!

The supersized furniture isn't helping the situ...this armoire has it's own zip code, Lawd and that blue beast sofa is about to make a meal out of that poor dog...but, the executrix client (CEO of her own graphic design/branding firm) downsized from a larger apartment. She's cute & chic with just the right amount of quirk and wanted a space that reflected her creative side. She also werks from home: so multi-function is a MUST. Well, WERK Biotch in that seat right there!

She wants industrial, clean-lined, and loves wood...but wants the space to feel light. There are some great pieces to play with...hello, fabulous art! & Angela Adams yellow rug, and then some not-so-great pieces...basically, everything else. OH shiot!

Check back to see what I come up with, but here's a sneak peek of some things that made the cut:

Prepare y'all-selves for some STYLE SLAPPING-- FULL ON and quick about the face!