It was a dark and stormy night...

and then someone left this shiot out on the curb:A pic of a red corner shelf unit off NYC street

and then y'all know it must be FREE SHIOT FRIDAY, round ye ole Blog-A-Dazzle! YES!!! And won't someone start their weekend off right and grab up this little red number and take her HOME already??? All she needs is a good wipedown-- I'm not even going there with that-- and before you could even place a knick knack on her shelf, you'd be style-slapped when she takes residence in the corner of your living room!!! That chinoiserie fretwork all along her sides is just flat-out FIERCE! A close up shot of the red corner shelf unit left out on NYC street

And don't y'all just j'adore carving out some extra storage in your space, that you never even knew you had-- with a biotch that sits in the corner, completely outta the way of everything else??!!! For FREE?! Well then, shut the FU&% y'all and Happy Friday!!!